
A Swing view of MOE objects.


Class Summary
MOEDocMenu The MOEWorkshop class provides a Swing-based view of MOE objects.
MOEFrame The MOEWorkshop class provides a Swing-based view of MOE objects.
MOETree The MOETree class provides a JTree-based view of MOE objects, using the MOETreeModelA and MOENodeWrapperA classes.
MOETreeCellRenderer The MOETreeCellRenderer class provides a more detailed presentation MOE objects in trees.
MOETreePane The MOEWorkshop class provides a Swing-based view of MOE objects.
MOEWorkshop The MOEWorkshop class provides a Swing-based view of MOE objects.

Package Description

A Swing view of MOE objects.

The MOEWorkshop class is the primary point of entry to this package, providing a GUI interface to MOE objects. Eventually I hope that MOEWorkshop will perform a few key tasks:

The package depends on several adapter classes from the package.